December 27, 2010


Today I joined a few of my friends and attended a team tournament @ Akiba.

Because our leader was invited to the tournament, we did not have to pay any entry fee

Funny story is that some of their team members did enter the tournament and had already paid... which is why we scrambled to form another 3 person team.

However, should our team manage to top 4 (out of 16!), we would be forced to pay the entry fee or forefeit the top prizes. Which kinda would defeat the purpose of attending THIS tournament instead of the few others we could attend also going on today.

Also because unless you win 1st place, which we wanted the OTHER 3 man group from the team to get, you're looking at a net loss...

The solution? Build a fun deck and scrub on purpose!

Actually we wanted to do this so we could cut out of the tourney early and trade/etc.

Anyhows, all 3 of us ran the same deck today:
Masked Syncro Control Beat


1 Cyber Dragon/サイバー・ドラゴン
1 Elemental Hero Stratos/E・HERO エアーマン
2 Elemental Hero Ocean/E・HERO オーシャン
2 Elemental Hero Heat/E・HERO ザ・ヒート
3 Elemental Hero Neos Alius/E・HERO アナザー・ネオス
2 Snowman Eater/スノーマンイーター
1 Effect Veiler/エフェクト・ヴェーラー
2 Deep Sea Diva/深海のディーヴァ
1 Sea Archer/シー・アーチャー
1 Honest/オネスト

2 Mask Change/マスク・チェンジ
3 Book of Moon/月の書
2 Gemini Spark/デュアル・スパーク
2 Miracle Fusion/ミラクル・フューション
1 Hero Arrive/ヒーロー・アライブ
2 E - Emergency Call/E-エマージェンシーコール
1 Dark Hole/ブラック・ホール
1 Monster Reborn/死者蘇生
1 Instant Fusion/簡易融合
2 Mystical Space Typhoon/サイクロン

1 Call of the Haunted/リビングデッドの呼び声
1 Solemn Judgement/神の宣告
1 Mirror Force/聖なるバリアーミラーフォースー
1 Torrential Tribute/激流葬
1 Hero Blast/ヒーロー・ブラスト
2 BOttomless Trap Hole/奈落の落とし穴
1 Dimension Prison/次元幽閉

2 Masked Hero Vapor/M・HERO ヴェイパー
2 Masked Hero Gouka/M・HERO 剛火
2 Elemental Hero Absolute Zero/E・HERO アブソリュートZero
1 Elemental Hero The Shining/E・HERO The シャイニング
1 Elemental Hero Great Tornado/E・HERO Great TORNADO
1 Elemental Hero Mariner/E・HERO セイラーマン
1 Trishuala Dragon of the Ice Boundary/氷結界の龍 トリシューラ
1 Brionac Dragon of the Ice Boundary/氷結界の龍 ブリューナク
1 Goyou Gaurdian/ゴヨウ・ガーディアン
1 Tech Genius Hyper Librarian/TG ハイパー・ライブラリアン
1 Stardust Dragon/スターダスト・ドラゴン
1 Black Rose Dragon/ブラック・ローズ・ドラゴン

Just to clarify we actually DIDN'T get bottom 8 O.O(Because they could fight it out for a consolation prize)

Our swiss score(team) was 3 Wins 2 Loss.

Give the deck a shot! Its super fun.

Thats all for today.



  1. I wonder what this would have looked like if you actually intended on winning.

  2. @Anon:
    Probally -1 Deck +1 Six Samurai
