January 20, 2011

So why do you main deck Wizel?

So, recently,

it has come to my attention that in some circles

"Because it is AWESOME"

Is NOT valid justification for running at least 1, most of the time two, Machine Emperor Wizel Infinity's in every single of my decks.

(yeah. Hilarious. I know.)

Before people start commenting that it is a completely valid and acceptable justification, for the sake of the people who disagree, I will try to list out all the reasons why you should at the very least, give it a try.

First and foremost, it is AWESOME.

Whilst Spells and Traps have to be set one turn in advance, Wizel can be dropped from the hand after a destruction, meaning that most times, the opponent will not have even considered the possibility.

This also means that the play of Mirror Force/Torrential Tribute/Dark Hole/Whatever else there is that was SUPPOSED to throw the momentum of the game in the player's favor... suddenly just did the opposite.

Wizel's effect of being able to suck in Syncros is a very welcome bonus.

Not only does it more or less heavily discourage Syncro summoning, similarly to Hyper Librarian, if and when it does succeed in sucking in a Syncro, its attack will. be. massive.

Regardless of where you come from, 2500 + Somewhere around 2400-2800(where the ATKs of the most commonly used Synchros fall nowadays) is a problem.

A very painful problem. Only made worse by the fact that you just lost a Syncro... before its attack.

Do keep in mind that Wizel has a 2500DEF stat to reckon with. It doesnt die so easily to two books of moon, unlike most other monsters.

You can always just book it yourself to cover for an incoming Gale, or something else equally pitiful against Wizel... you know if you didnt have an Effect Veiler to provide some nice backup.

Wait. TWO Books?

Oh right. If Wizel wasnt good enough already, he can negate spells.

For. Free.

What other vaguely usable cards has a similar effect?

True Six Samurai Shie... that doesnt get eaten up by Wizel the next turn?


So through at least one battle and spell negation alone, Wizel generates quite the advantage by itself. An additional potential +1 if you're staring down some Syncros.

So. Whats the drawbacks?

There are two drawbacks to Wizel that make it "balanced"

But no less AWESOME.

First, it doesnt allow other monsters to attack.

So what? I wouldnt overextend with this bad boy on the field. And I'm pretty sure you wont either.

If anything maybe throw down a Raiou next to him just for the fun of it.

The second is its summoning condition.

Having a monster be destroyed and sent to the graveyard might SEEM hard to achieve... until you start thinking outside the box.

Chances are, that in YOUR deck, you're running at least 4 to 5 cards that do exactly this for you. You just never noticed it.

Torrential and Dark Hole, of course, but also Scrap Dragon, Zeradias, and Limiter Removal can also be used in this way!

Thats about it for today.

Did I mention IT IS AWESOME?