June 2, 2010

Monarchs and tribute fodder.

Most monarch players know how to play monarchs.

Get tribute fodder -> Tribute said tribute fodder -> Drop Monarch.

However, I have noticed that different people have different views(we just dont argue about which is best.) as to how said Tribute fodder can be attained.

We could divide the different views into a few general categories:

1: Make the tribute fodder with your own cards.

2: Steal the tribute fodder from your opponent.

3: Make sure your tribute fodder survives a turn.

Of course, there are a few more ways, such as 4: HOPE your Tribute Fodder Survives, and 5: PRAY your tribute fodder survives, but you most of the time, these strategies dont work quite as well and are easily overshadowed by the other three.

First off, all good monarch decks can take advantage of all of these. The big debate/argument is what balance is good.

For instance: Making the tribute fodder with your own cards include choices such as Cyber Dragon, Treeborn Frog(its a bit mixed with 3), Battle Fader, maybe Dandylion, D.D.Scout Plane, Kuriboh Summoning Flute, etc.

Stealing Tribute Fodder: Cross Exchange, Brain Control, Mark of Rose, Falling Down, Goyou Gaurdian, etc.

Keeping tribute Fodder Alive: Mashmallon, Spirit Reaper, Shiba Warrior Taro, Arkana Force 0, etc. Monsters with very high DEF can also fall into this category.

Now, cards that serve much more than just one purpose in the deck other than simply providing tribute fodder are the cards that are used most often. Also, cards that cover more than one category have been used in Monarch decks for a long time.

One example is a card that not only generates tribute fodder, but keeps itself alive: Gravekeepers Spy.

Also, most, if not all, monarch decks tend to use primarily one, but borrow from other types of tribute fodder.

Why? Because some cards are just too good in GENERAL to pass up.

Its hard to find a monarch deck that doesnt pack a Brain Control(class 2), and quite a few also use Cyber Dragon and Call of the Haunted(Class 1).

There are many weaknesses for each individual class.

Class 1: The tokens/small monsters you generate are SMALL and DIE EASILY. On the other hand, this type is the fastest.

Class 2: Too dependant on monster stealing cards, hence making the deck less stable. This type gets rid of enemy cards very well.

Class 3: Shield Crush/Nobleman of Crossout. Also, much slower than the other classes, simply because it takes two turns, not one, to summon out a monarch. This type garners a lot of advantage.

Different players obviously have different preferences suiting their own playstyle.

Also do note that nowhere in these categories does Ryko fit. IMO it doesnt do anything to help get your tribute fodder unless youre running a bunch of cards you want to mill(no, 2 Dandy and 2 Treeborn doesnt cut it), and ends up as a 1:1 trade. Its going to die in battle.

Thats all for today.

Until Next time, Just Gaius It.

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