November 7, 2010


Tommorow is annual International READ YOUR GODDAMN RULEBOOK Day. (Or IRYGRBD for short.)
A link to last year's post.

Since last year, the committee for IRYGRBD has, in consideration of our younger minds and less than mature friends, to make the spirit and name of International READ YOUR GODDAMN RULEBOOK Day much less vulgar and openly aggressive, and more friendly and considerate.

Similar to International Suit Up Day, Eat a Bagel Like a Boss Day, Do a Backflip Day, National Burn A Watapon day(vids up. It was friday, btw), etc, International READ YOUR GODDAMN RULEBOOK Day is exactly what it says on the cover: a day where you read your goddamn rulebook.

In the spirit of IRYGRBD, we shall devote today to simple, basic, and supposedly understood rules written in the rulebook of Yugioh.

Read it.

Just like last year, instead of thinking we know everything, regardless of who we are, we all as duelists will take time out and sit down and read our rulebook.

Its very simple, and you might think you know it inside and out, but do it anyhows.

Tell a friend!
Spread the word!
Blog about it!
Post on Forums about it!
And if anyone makes a small basic rule this weekend, go ahead and say "READ YOUR GODDAMN RULEBOOK!"

Its the spirit of IRYGRBD, everybody, once they hear of it, should be told to go and read their rulebook, regardless of whatever qualifications they claim to have. Ever.

Dont have a rulebook?
Dont run away so easily.

Thats all for today.

G-Ray Out.


  1. i would get banned if I posted it on a the TCG forums
    but I will blog about it

  2. I sure wish I were this skilled at trolling.... o.o"
