April 2, 2010

The Simple Side: March 2010 Format

What up y'all

Today I will bring to you "THE Simple Side", a side deck for those who really dont know how to side.

The concept behind "THE Simple Side" is to have a fluid, effective, yet at the same time, easy to use and simplistic.

Of course, that alone doesnt make it the best side deck out there, but it is the one that can combat several decks alone.

Lets start.

Side Deck/15
3 Crack to A Different Dimension
2 Dust Tornado
2 Scrap Iron Scarecrow
2 Dark Imprisoning Mirror
2 Light Imprisoning Mirror
2 Trap Stun
2 Mirror of Oaths

Why this lineup?

Well, we have to consider what the meta is comprised of, in this format:
Top Class:
Infernity, Frogs.

Almost Top Class:
BF, Magoushin, Frembel Cat(Depends on your area, though)

Following closely Class:
Gladial Beasts, Machiners, Removal Beatdown or Meta Beat, Lightsworn, Elemental Heroes

So, what cards counter what decks?

First off, Crack to a Different Dimension.
Two D.D. Crows in one. Its a trap card, so you can net advantage and screw up plans with free chaining.

What does it kill:

Seriously. It kills just about everything imaginable. Free chaining and killing potentially two cards at once, its surprising people dont even main deck this.

Specifically, its really good at killing: Machiners, Infernity, Magoushin, Frogs. To a lesser extent, it kills Lightsworn, Elemental Heroes.

I dont think that how it kills stuff needs explanation. Chain to removal and effects to end a loop.

Dust Tornado:

Notably, not Wasteland Whirlwind because Wasteland Whirlwind is much more main deck material, but also that Dust Tornado can be used to end phase destroy things.

Works well against: Infernity, Black Feathers, Elemental Heroes, Frembel Cat, Gladial Beasts.

Scrap Iron Scarecrow:

Actually the only card used to specifically combat beatdown and removal beat.

Whilst Removal Beat eats away your monsters easily, and scores constant direct attacks to curb enough life advantage for game over time, Scrap Iron Scarecrow can end this by stopping one attack a turn.

What this does is not stop the removal outright, but instead helps A LOT with the life advantage problem. Which, in turn, translates to victory.

Has the added benefit of ripping apart Gladial Beasts, and work to an extent on Frembel Cat and Black Feathers.

Dark Imprisoning Mirror:

Kills Infernity. BF is nigh Immune. Nothing else is significant. Infernity, being a high tier deck, needs more counters in the side than other decks.

Light Imprisoning Mirror:

Contrary to its darker half, the Light Mirror works well this format, but not to the point of 3's, as last format demanded.

The prime targets this format are Lightsworn again, but also Magoushin.

Trap Stun:

The biggest threat that Black Feathers have are Icarus Attack and Black Whirlwind. With Dust Tornado taking out Whirlwind for you, all you need to curb are those 3 pesky Icarus Attacks. Hence, Trap Stun.

Works also in Game 3 where Beatdown decks side in their Scrap Iron Scarecrows. Especially in the mirror. Also helps a lot when you're facing someone else who has read this.

Mirror Of Oaths:

Kills: Gladial Beasts(again), but more importantly, Frembel Cat. Both components of the deck, and the gravekeeper engine can be killed for advantage with Mirror of Oaths.

That concludes THE Simple Side for March 2010.

Note how each individual card can combat at least 2 decks. Hence, each card sided in is simple to use to combat the deck youre up against.


  1. The problem is that Crack to a DD is a trap, so if it is Infernity and they go first, they might choose to summon 3 Trishula first and discards 3 of your hands. So here DD Crow may do a better job.

    And Trap Stun is GODLY.

  2. Thanks for notifying me how many things Mirror of Oaths can counter. This is enough reason for me to run it once again (something I didn't do since the limit of Cat and Summon Priest). But Scrap-Iron Scarecrow is something I don't agree with. Here's why:

    "Actually the only card used to specifically combat beatdown and removal beat."

    Aside from Dimensional Prison, Book of Moon, Demon's Chain, Sakuretsu Armor, E-Con, (Bottomless) Trap Hole and probably more.

    "Whilst Removal Beat eats away your monsters easily, and scores constant direct attacks to curb enough life advantage for game over time, Scrap Iron Scarecrow can end this by stopping one attack a turn."

    So can Dimensional Prison and Sakuretsu Armor. Cards that are removed from the field can no longer attack, every single turn.

    "What this does is not stop the removal outright, but instead helps A LOT with the life advantage problem. Which, in turn, translates to victory."


    "Has the added benefit of ripping apart Gladial Beasts, and work to an extent on Frembel Cat and Black Feathers."

    With this I have to agree. But is this advantage really a good reason to give up chainability like BoM has or removal that Dimensional Prison offers?

  3. @Exiro- Its better cos the iron scarecrow stays on the field and can be used several times per duel.

    D Prison is a one time shot. Scarecrow ensures that you are able to stay in the duel.

    Same goes for e-con book of moon etc which are more for controlling the duel and disrupting plays.

    Generally it may not sound believable to you, but it works MUCH better in action compared to theory wise :)

  4. Allow me to elaborate.

    First, Scrap Iron Scarecrow stops an attack a turn. the concept of not running instead removal is that it stays on the field, allowing you to re-use it. The actual removal will be done on your turn, by monsters or spells/traps/major comboes.

    Also I advocate 3 mained books. DPrison isnt really side deck material. Its main deck material. You will side it out in some matchups, like gadget, but almost never NOT side it in. Main it. Some cards are more towards side deck cards, while others are main deck material.

  5. "Kills: Gladial Beasts(again), but more importantly, Frembel Cat. Both components of the deck, and the gravekeeper engine can be killed for advantage with Mirror of Oaths."

    Can't MoO on F-Dog S/S'ing F-Magical because that happens in the Damage Step.
    Same goes for flipping up Hamster or GK Spy via battle.
