November 8, 2010

Six Samurai

Just a thought, most of the decks will either be running 2/3 Starlight Road, or Royal Decree.

Their weakness, is, after all, mass monster removal/control

So whats left that gets under these cards yet controls Six Sam?

The only thing I can think of thats practical in siding/maining is Wasteland Tornado. Handles Gate rather well, which is the biggest problem.

Thats all for today.


  1. How about Gozen Match?

  2. Fairy Wind would like a word with you

  3. What? Posted by Soliel but "G-Ray out" appears?

  4. Ma bad on that. Its because the settings can only be changed by Eiji, and its default settings that G Ray out comes up as the ending of a post.
    Meaning I change it every time manually.
    Take a day where I have an exam the next day, eg: yesterday, and you have screw ups like this.
