November 20, 2010

Duel Puzzle #15

Duel Puzzle #15.

As always, standard conditions apply: No using prohibited cards, your deck cannot contain any more cards than permitted by the current Limited/Prohibited List, and that you must reduce your opponent to precisely 0 by the end of the turn, no more; no less.

Duel Puzzle #15
Life: 13900

Field: Face up ATK Machine Emperor Wizel Infinity, attached Stardust Dragon(ATK5000), Face up ATK Sin Blue Eyes White Dragon, Face up DEF Legendary Jujitsu Master, Face up DEF Cyber Valley, Dragon's Valley

Hand: D.D.Crow

Graveyard: Cyber Dragon, Giant Trunade, Mystical Space Typhoon, Mystical Space Typhoon, Dust Tornado, Icarus Attack, Dragunity Dux, Dragunity Knight Vajalk, Dragunity Phalanx, Dragunity Aclys, Dragunity Arms Laevatein, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Trade In, Trade In, Cards of Harmony, Cards of Harmony, Legendary Stone of White.
Removed From Play: Blue Eyes White Dragon


Life: 3150

Hand: Effect Veiler, Miracle Fusion, Miracle Fusion, Polymerization, E - Emergency Call, Skyscraper, Dimension Explosion

Field: Face up ATK Elemental Hero Ocean, Face Up DEF Elemental Hero Forestman, Face up ATK Elemental Hero Stratos

Graveyard: Gold Sarcophagus, Starlight Road, Reinforcement of the Army, Gemini Spark, Hero Blast, E - Emergency Call, Miracle Fusion, Polymerization, Pheonix Wing Wind Blast, Bottomless Trap Hole, Book of Moon.

Removed From Play: Elemental Hero Absolute Zero, Elemental Hero Ocean, Elemental Hero Captain Gold, Paralell World Fusion(Arriving NEXT Turn. Being searched by Gold Sarcophagus)

Extra Deck: 13

It is currently the end of the Draw phase of your turn. Reduce your opponent to precisely 0LP This turn.

DO Keep in mind that the solution must take into account ALL timings of Wizel's spell negating ability(if you know, you dont negate it first), and D.D.Crow.

Also, Miracle Fusion does not target. Once you activate it, you MUST summon something, if possible, with the remaining available monsters in your graveyard and on your field.(Which is why D.D.Crow is a pain.)

Good luck to you all.

Thats all for today.



  1. Standby Phase: Ocean Bounce Airman and Forestman searches Polymerization from Deck.

    Airman summon to search for D-Hero Bloo-d. Tribute all 3 for D-Hero Bloo-d.
    From here you can ignore all his field monsters.

    Your hand now: 2 Polymerization, 2 Miracle Fusion,Skyscraper, E-Emergency Call, Effect Veiler and Dimension Explosion.
    Activate Skyscraper. Activate Miracle Fusion. then multiple scenarios happen.
    D.D. Crow any monster then just fusion what ever you can . Dimension Explosion return the fusion monster. Opponent summons BEWD. You Summon out Airman and Captain Gold. Airman Search Ice Edge/Ocean. E- Emergency Call search E HERO Neos.

    Polymerization Ice Edge/Ocean and Airman for E HERO Absolute Zero

    2nd Polymerization make E HERO The Shining with Absolute Zero + Neos.

    Clearing his field.

    You use your 2nd Miracle Fusion to remove Neos and any other hero in grave to make 2nd E HERO The Shining.

    Bloo-d Suck the BEWD.

    Your field now: Bloo-d (3400atk) + 2 The Shining (4400atk each) + Captain Gold (2100atk).

    Opponent Field: Empty

    3400+4400+4400+2100 = 14300 [ SRY OVERSHOT BY 400 =( ]

  2. 400 overshot = not seeing what youre supposed to see in this puzzle.

  3. Main phase -> summon effect veiler and synchro trishula (veiler + ocean + forestman), remove his hand and wizel. Activate miracle fusion and fuse for absolute zero (ocean + forestman).
    Then, activate and search for a light attribute e.hero monster, and activate polymerisation to fuse the light attribute e.hero monster and absolute zero for shinning, and absolute zero effect will destroy opponent's whole field. Then, activate miracle fusion and fuse for shining (absolute zero + light attribute monster in grave).

    Removed from play :Elemental Hero Absolute Zero, Elemental Hero Ocean, Elemental Hero Captain Gold, Elemental Hero Ocean, Elemental Hero Forestman, Elemental Hero Absolute Zero and a light attribute Elemental Hero.

    So, shining's attack will be 4700.

    4700 + 4700 + 2700 + 1800 = 13900

  4. Problem: You activate Polymerization with a face up stratos, an Absolute Zero, and a Trishula. Theres no LIGHT monster around.

  5. @rauzes. E.Call searches the monster.

  6. But Dotz did take a light attribute e hero from deck which allows him to fuse zero and that monster for shining.

  7. @ Rauzes, activate to search for the light e.hero monster

  8. Using Ocean as Synchro Material for Trishula means that you won't be able to get |0| if D.D. Crow is chained to Trishula's effect RFPing Ocean unless you had another copy of Ocean.
