August 1, 2010

Gold Sarcophagus

Yes, its an awesome card.

But TOPDECK OF DESTINY turning out to be Gold Sarcophagus

Really sucks.

It does.

That being said opening with 2 Gold Sarcophagus, 1 Future Fusion, 1 RoTA, 1 Emergency Call, and 1 Starlight Road is win.

Thats all for today.


1 comment:

  1. Me: Heart of the cards, give me the card that I would want the most in this situation!
    HotC: Sorry, I'm not sure which one you want so just use this Sarcofag and help yourself.

    This constantly happens to me, so I don't run it. What if a deck absolutely needs it? Well, I wouldn't run such a deck.
