And it doesnt work.
Well, simply put, the deck depends far too much on Aclys.
Without it, the deck doesnt move. At all.
Hence, with some playtesting, and even more tampering, I've revamped Cyberdark Beat to work. Well.
Heres the new and updated Cyberdark Beat:
Cyberdark Beat
3 Cyberdark Horn/サイバー・ダーク・ホーン
3 Cyberdark Edge/サイバー・ダーク・エッジ
2 Cyberdark Keel/サイバー・ダーク・キール
3 Dragunity Aclys/ドラグニティーアキュリス
2 Dragunity Arms Laevatiien/ドラグニティーアームズ-レヴァテイン
2 Dragunity Dux/ドラグニティードークス
1 Dark Armed Dragon/ダーク・アームド・ドラゴン
1 Sangan/クリッター
1 Dark Salvo/ブラック・ボマー
1 Hunter Dragon/ハンター・ドラゴン
1 Dragunity Legion/ドラグニティーレギオン
3 Dragon's Valley/竜の渓谷
3 Book of Moon/月の書
2 Terraforming/テラフォーミング
1 Limiter Removal/リミッター解除
1 Mystical Space Typhoon/サイクロン
1 Heavy Storm/大嵐
1 Allure of Darkness/闇の誘惑
3 Compulsary Evacuation Device/強制脱出装置
2 Bottomless Trap Hole/奈落の落とし穴
1 Torrenetial Tribute/激流葬
1 Mirror Force/聖なるバリアーミラーフォースー
1 Solemn Judgement/神の宣告
Well, as you can see, a lot more deck space is devoted to first getting Aclys in the graveyard, as Laevatiien can wait.
2 Terraforming and 3 Dragons Valley for Field Search. Helps the Aclys -> Laevatiien in the graveyard happen much faster.
Oh, but is that all?
Nope. Also hidden plainly in sight is Dark Salvo.
When playing the deck keep in mind that Ancient Fairy Dragon can destroy a field spell to search out a new one. Dark Salvo isnt just there for Black Rose Dragon!
Not to mention becoming Allure of Darkness food to fuel some mild drawing.
Also, the number of Cyberdarks have been upped since the last version?
Cyberdarks are just that much better.
The only thing thats stopping them from being outright broken is that they only get their effects when normal summoned, and they rely too much on their effects to do anything.
But seriously? Cyberdarks have been, and will always be, some of the biggest and baddest level 4 and lower monsters to grace the game.
With Aclys, they become 1800, a fomidable number, almost as high as Dux, all off a normal summon and with the ability to drag down another card with it.
Lets take a quick look at Dux VS Cyberdarks.
Can get bigger and bigger... if it lives.
Can be searched with Dragon's Valley
Can be used for God Bird Attack.
With Phalanx, can make Dragunity Knights.
You can run nine.
It wont get hit by bottomless trap hole.
You can use Limiter Removal.
Theyre DARK.
They come with Direct Attack/Trample(/Burn also but nobody cares about Cyberdark Keel)
Dark Salvo Support. Instant Field nuke or nuke of Field.
They can survive losing a battle... then destroy the monster that beat it.
Any questions are welcome here.
Thats all for today.
hey, I'll give them a shot once the TCG gets dragunity.
ReplyDeleteGreat build. This shows how much potential the Cyberdark Dragunity builds have.