March 30, 2011


Shooting Quasar Dragon might seem to have harsh summoning requirements, especially getting the synchro monsters low enough to use,

But Level stealer, leading to the formation of other Synchro monsters to use as material can really help out.

Shooting Quasar in Level Stealer Synchro seems so plausible now. In multiple.



  1. Tech Genus.

    Hyper Librarian + Hyper Librarian + Formulaa -> Quasar, with (provided you summon them in the listed order), lets you draw four cards while doing so.

    It's fun, if a bit hard to pull off.

  2. Interdimensional Matter Transporter abuse the Shooting Star Dragon special summon effect? xD
    You're opponent will be like "wot"

  3. is like starblast coelacanth to lvl 2
    call 2xfishborg+2xosyter
    osyer+coelacanth+fishborg=brionac(token spawn)
    token + fishborg=formula
    discard from formula for fishborg
    synchro last osyter+ fishborg=arms aid
    LETS GO SYNCHRO OF Quasar!!!!!

  4. It has the same simple requirements as Tech Genus Halberd Cannon... So that means anything that works for Halberd Cannon works for Shooting Quasar Dragon as well... And the easiest are Double Librarian and Formula or Level 6 and 4 and Formula or Stardust and Recipro Dragonfly and Formula... (One for One dropping Dandy for Glow... Tune for Formula and summon Debris for Dandy... tune for Stardust... Revive Glow up and tune for Recipro Dragonfly... Summon Shooting Quasar Dragon... proceed to win)
