February 24, 2011


So they have drawbacks when they run out of bullets.

Hopefully most of the exceeds dont get too powerful, such as Brionac, Trishula, etc etc.

I think ease of summoning is the main reason why most of the Exceeds so far... well... suck.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe Synchro Monsters are stronger than Exceed Monsters, but don't forget that some kind of Decks can use Exceed Monsters with bigger chance than Synchro Monsters (like Machina/Ancient Gear/Gadget Decks, Gravekeepers, Gemini Beatdown etc.).

    Some kind of Decks will also get Exceed monsters which will help they Summon from Extra Deck (like Jurracs, which cannot do anything with LV3 + LV3, but with the release of Rank3 Exceed Dino, they'll get a beater - or Vairons).
