January 14, 2010

Konndo wa Ore no Ban! DRAW!

Its been a week since Rauzes quit blogging.

For the past year, The Gaijin Duelist was the near undisputed top English Yugioh blog in the world.

However, when he quit blogging, the blogger community was thrown into turmoil, with rather dark goodbye posts cropping up on almost every blog, and a similar top blog has yet to fill the spot, if it ever will.

Being at the top of his game, he inspired many people, myself included, to start blogging, so that one day our own blogs can be as good as his.

What many dont notice is that he left behind a legacy,

A standard for all Yugioh bloggers to strive for, and aim for,

and to one day, surpass.

As duelists, and bloggers, we all compete with each other, and, whilst enjoying it, ultimately strive to win.

The blogging community, the writers and readers both, are not sustained by one person, but by many.

The better individual bloggers become, the better the community becomes as well.

Thus, individual bloggers should all be aiming to be as good as, and to one day surpass, Rauzes's Legacy.

I, for one, will do so.

And so should you.

My aim for this blog is to equal or surpass that of Rauzes's blog.

I am G-Ray.

I am a Duelist.

and Rauzes, I challenge you.

Duel Start!

Konndo wa Ore no Ban! DRAW!

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